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SOFTEX® ES系列– 弹性无齿隙联轴器

2019/9/17 14:37:42点击:

SOFTEX® 系列联轴器是由3部分组成具有扭向弹性和破断安全的爪式联轴器. 由于中间的弹性齿环, 可以实现吸收冲击, 降低扭向振动和噪音. 现在德国HBE又向市场推出了2个新型弹性无齿隙联轴器产品系列 SOFTEX® ES 6.0 和 SOFTEX® ES 6.0P

Just as the proven SOFTEX series elastic coupling, the elastic ring used in the new type of non-backlash coupling has high wear resistance, as well as oil resistance, grease resistance, solvent resistance, ozone resistance and environmental factors. Depending on the different types of ring, the working temperature range can reach - 50 to + 120 C, with short peak temperature. It can reach + 150 degree 

OFTEX® ES 6.0P 无齿隙弹性联轴器的卡紧环轴套是适合于多主轴机床的短行程钻主轴. 当传动圆周速度高达75 m/s, 高精度和无间隙的轴连接仍然具有很好的运转平滑性. 该系列联轴器也适合有防爆要求的场合. 轴套和卡紧环的材质是经过热处理的42CrMo4 合金钢.

以上两个新的联轴器型号由于具有内部卡紧螺纹, 因此安全而且安装快捷.